by Alfredo Jaar |
Peters was born May 22nd, 1916 in Berlin, Germany. Peters began
his career as a filmmaker who studied American techniques of filmmaking
during the late 1930's, and helped to revolutionize film production
in Germany at the time. In 1942, Arno Peters received his doctorate
at the University of Berlin, writing his dissertation on political
propaganda. This interest pushed Peters into studying Synchronoptic
World History, which focuses on giving all people of the world
equal voice, by making a timeline with each year getting equal
space on a page. This project culminated in Peters' development
of the Peters Projection map in 1974, which gives a size accurate
portrayal of the world, allowing all countries to have equal representation.
Peters worked in Bremmen, Germany until his death on December
2nd, 2002.
Arno Peters
Photo Album...
Arno Peters Obituary (London Times &
Ward L. Kaiser)